Monday, June 12, 2006

Drivetrain Update #3

The axle is pretty much finalized. We cut off the the excess axle so it now has a cleaner look. This ties the drivetrain together more. A hole was drilled between a 1/8 and 1/4" into the axle. I'm going to use a longer set screw in the crank so that even if it backs out, which I hope it won't, it won't slip.

I've chosen to use a a derailer from a doner bike. Now I know some will say that is stupid but this is a budget build. I take parts where I can get'em. I've been cleaning up the part and hopefully I'll get in on in the next day or so.

I bought a chain and breaker at Walmart so I'll be able to string the main chain in the next day or so. Again with the budget build I have a couple of chains soaking in kerosene and motor oil. The best one will be used for the intermediate link unless I have enough chain left over from the main.

I think I may have come up with a way to make my steering arms work the way I want. We'll see how well that will work in the next couple of day.